In accordance with the requirement of article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), WORLD WOOD FUTURE reports the following information:

Commercial Name: WORLD WOOD FUTURE
This information regulates the conditions of use, limitations of liability and obligations that website users, which is published under the name of the domain WWW.WORLDWOODFUTURE.COM assume and undertake to respect.

WWW.WORLDWOODFUTURE.COM uses cookies to facilitate navigation through this portal and to obtain greater efficiency and personalization of the services offered to users. The cookies used in WWW.WORLDWOODFUTURE.COM are only associated with an anonymous user and their computer, they do not provide any references that allow to deduce the user’s name and surnames and cannot read data from their hard disk or include viruses in their computers. Also, WWW.WORLDWOODFUTURE.COM cannot read the cookies from other servers implanted on the user’s hard drive.
The user can freely decide about their hard drive implementation or not of the cookies used in WWW.WORLDWOODFUTURE.COM. In this sense, the user can configure their browser to accept or reject all cookies by default or to receive a warning on the screen of each cookie receipt and decide at that time whether or not to install it on their hard drive. For this we suggest to consult the help section of the browser to know how to change the current in use configuration. Even when the user configures the browser to reject all cookies, or expressly rejects the cookies of WWW. WORLDWOODFUTURE.COM the user will be able to navigate through the portal with the only inconvenience of not being able to enjoy the functionalities which require the cookies installation. In any case, the user may delete cookies from WWW.WORLDWOODFUTURE.COM implanted on their hard drive at any time, following the established procedure in the help section of their browser or by entering the Cookies Policy link on this website.

WORLD WOOD FUTURE guarantees the privacy of the personal data provided, according to the General Data Protection Regulations (RGPD).
The visit to this website does not imply that the user is obliged to provide any self-information, however, during the visit it is possible that personal data is requested through forms.
This data will be incorporated into a file owned by WORLD WOOD FUTURE and will be used for the purpose of answering the request made by you and to send information about our company and services by any means of communication. By sending us this form, you are explicitly accepting their receipt. The data will be deleted at your request or once the purpose for which they were collected is satisfied.

How to exercise your rights: Users can send a written communication to INFO@ WORLDWOODFUTURE.COM including a photocopy of the ID or other similar identification document, to exercise your rights, which are the following:
• Right to request access to personal data: you can ask WORLD WOOD FUTURE if this company is processing your data.
• Right to request correction (if incorrect) or removal.
• Right to request the limitation of your treatment, in which case they will only be kept by WORLD WOOD FUTURE for the claims exercise or defense.
• Right to object to the treatment: WORLD WOOD FUTURE will stop treating the data in the way you indicate, except that because of compelling legitimate reasons or the exercise or the defense of possible claims should continue to be treated.
• Right to data portability: in case you want your data to be processed by another firm, WORLD WOOD FUTURE will facilitate the portability of your data to the new person in charge.
Possibility of consent withdrawing: In case that consent has been granted for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.
How to complain to the Control Authority: If a user considers there is a problem with the way in which WORLD WOOD FUTURE is handling their data, claims can be directed to the corresponding data protection authority, being the Spanish Agency for the Protection of Data the one in the case of Spain.
Refusing to provide the data will suppose the non-provision or the impossibility to access the service for which they were requested. You have the right to receive an answer to any question, query or clarification that may arise from this form.
The parties submit, at their discretion, for the conflicts resolution and renouncing any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the website owner residence.

UP In the event that a user introduces a link from its own Website to the Website WORLD WOOD FUTURE, this will only link to the main page of the latter, but not be able to reproduce it in any way, and, in case the Website contents are viewed with contents that are not from the linked Website, these third-party contents may not mislead, confuse or deceive users about the origin of their contents, or assume an act of comparison or unfair imitation or exploitation of the reputation of WORLD WOOD FUTURE.
Any kind of false or inaccurate manifestation will be made from the page that introduces the link on WORLD WOOD FUTURE, Associated Companies, collaborators or employees, nor will be indicated in this page that they have the consent of WORLD WOOD FUTURE for the insertion of the link, or that WORLD WOOD FUTURE has some relation or collaboration with said page.
In exception of the cases permitted by law or expressly authorized by WORLD WOOD FUTURE, whenever a direct link is allowed to your Website, any trademark’s use or any other distinctive sign of WORLD WOOD FUTURE is forbidden within the page where the link is found, unless it is expressly authorized.
The page establishing the link must comply with the law and not have the use or link with illegal content or contrary to morality and decency.
On the other hand, the Website itself includes technical link devices that allow the User to access to other Internet pages and portals, acting WORLD WOOD FUTURE as an intermediation services provider in accordance with article 17 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, for which he will only be responsible for the contents and services provided in the linked sites in case that, having had effective knowledge, in the way provided by the Law of Information Society Services, of the illegality has not deactivated the link.
The existence of linked sites does not imply that there are agreements with the responsible or owners of those, and WORLD WOOD FUTURE is not responsible for damages caused by the illegality, quality, not updating, unavailability, error and uselessness of the contents in these sites, since he does not know them.
In any case, if the User is aware that the linked sites refer to pages whose content or services are illegal or contrary to morality, they must inform the WORLD WOOD FUTURE.
For this purpose, the email address INFO@ WORLDWOODFUTURE.COM is enabled. Users must communicate: name, address, telephone number and email address, specification of the alleged illegal activity carried out in the Website and facts or circumstances that reveal the illicit nature of the said activity.

The use of the Website confers the nature of user and implies the acceptance of the legal notice conditions, privacy policy and terms of use, and when the user does not agree, he will refrain from using the Website.
The user is obliged and agrees to use the page and its contents in accordance with current legislation, the Legal Notice, and any other notice contained on this page, as well as the rules of coexistence, morality and generally accepted good practices.
The User commits and compromises not to transmit, spread or make available to third parties any content of the Website, such as information, texts, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software, logos, brands, icons, technology, links, graphic design and source codes, or any other material accessible to as a User of the Page, without this enumeration being of a limiting nature.

All brands, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind that appear on the page are property of WORLD WOOD FUTURE or, in such case, of third parties which have authorized their use, without it being understood that the use or access to the Website and/or to the contents, attributes to the user any right over the said trademarks, trade names and or distinctive signs, and without understanding that any of the exploitation rights that exist or may exist over said contents are transferred to the User. And it is not understand as transferred or authorize its use, in any case, the page users unless these rights are obtained in writing from the legitimate owner of them.

The services provider of WORLD WOOD FUTURE official pages in the social media Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram is the entity WORLD WOOD FUTURE (hereinafter WORLD WOOD FUTURE)
The access and use of these pages require the social media general terms of use and the privacy policy acceptance that is detailed below and completed with the policy and rules of the social media platforms of Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram.
For any consultation or contact with WORLD WOOD FUTURE users can communicate through the telephone number +34 608339969 or the following electronic address: INFO@ WORLDWOODFUTURE.COM.

Official website of INDY BLUE STUDIO in LinkedIn, Instagram terms of use
Please, read carefully the following terms of use as they contain all the information related to your rights and obligations as a user of the official WORLD WOOD FUTURE in Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram. The access and use of the official Website of WORLD WOOD FUTURE in Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram is also subject to compliance with the established conditions by Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram as owner of the platform of the social media service.
When the user accesses or uses the official Website of WORLD WOOD FUTURE in Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram he/she expresses his/her consent and acceptance of the fulfilment of the established in the present terms of use.
The access and use of the official Website of WORLD WOOD FUTURE in Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram is forbidden to minors under 14 years old.
Permitted and forbidden uses
Through the official Website of WORLD WOOD FUTURE in Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram a space in which the user can publish and exchange information and contents is provided, as well as to establish communication between different users.
The use of the official Website WORLD WOOD FUTURE cannot have an economic or commercial purpose.
The user is obliged to use in a reasonable way the official page of WORLD WOOD FUTURE of Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and its contents, according to the possibilities and purposes for which it is designed in accordance to the uses and customs, the moral, the current legislation, the present rules and the rules and policies published by Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram. The user will be the only responsible for the information, images, opinions, allusions or any type of content that communicates, hosts, transmits, makes available or exhibits through the official page of WORLD WOOD FUTURE in Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram.
WORLD WOOD FUTURE will not be considered as the editorial responsible for those contents published by the user and expressly declares that it does not identify with any of the statements published by users in the official Website of WORLD WOOD FUTURE in Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and whose consequences are the issuer entirely responsible.
In any case, the use of the official Website WORLD WOOD FUTURE in Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram for illegal or unauthorized purposes is forbidden, whether there is an economic purpose or not.
INDY BLUE STUDIO includes in its Website a series of contents about its activities, products, structure, management and the own equipment of a corporate Website. WORLD WOOD FUTURE excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may arise from access to content, information, advertising, options, concepts and images provided to users.
In any case, WORLD WOOD FUTURE takes no responsibility of:
■ The harm the user can make of the Website.
■ The continuity of the Website contents.
■ The absence of viruses and/or other harmful components on the Website or on the server that provides them, both in terms of the contents viewing downloads by users.
■ The contents and services provided by other Websites to which you can access from Internet addresses owned by WORLD WOOD FUTURE.
■ The greater or smaller performance of the contents hosted on the Website.
■ The damages caused by any person, either to himself or to third parties, that violates the conditions, norms and instructions that WORLD WOOD FUTURE establishes in this Website.
■ Damages caused by the violation of the Website security systems owned by WORLD WOOD FUTURE.
■ Software or plug-ins malfunctioning (download that may be made from the link established for this purpose), which may be necessary for viewing or listening to certain content hosted on this Website.
■ Any action or activity that may be taken in relation to the violation of the third parties rights, especially in relation to the image, intellectual or industrial property.
■ The edition, revision, censorship and verification of the page’s contents or Internet sites with which the user connects through the search engine or hyperlinks included in the Website of WORLD WOOD FUTURE.

Exemption of liability for Website operation
WORLD WOOD FUTURE provides its services and content on an on-going basis using all technical means at its disposal to perform the service in a satisfactory manner.
When convenient, WORLD WOOD FUTURE may make corrections, improvements or modifications to the information contained on its Website, without giving rise to any right to complaints or claims for compensation, or implying any acknowledgment of liability.
WORLD WOOD FUTURE is not responsible for damages of any kind that may arise from the availability and technical continuity of the operation of its Website. In any case, WORLD WOOD FUTURE will carry out all the necessary actions to restore its services in case of technical failure.

WORLD WOOD FUTURE reserves the right to present the appropriate civil or criminal actions due to improper use of its website and contents, or for the breach of these conditions.
In case there are any discrepancies between this Legal Notice provisions and the Particular Terms of each specific service, the provisions of the latter shall prevail.
In the event that any provision or provisions contained in this Legal Notice are considered null or inapplicable, in its whole or partly, by any Tribunal, Court or competent administrative body, such nullity or non-application will not affect the rest of the provisions of this Legal Notice nor to the Particular Terms of the different services of the present Website.
The non-exercise or execution by WORLD WOOD FUTURE of any right or provision contained in these General Terms will not constitute a resignation, unless acknowledgment and written agreement on its part.
The relationship between the user and the provider will be led by the valid and applicable regulations in Spanish territory. If any dispute arises, the parties may submit their disputes to arbitration or present to the ordinary jurisdiction, complying with the rules on jurisdiction and competence in this regard. WORLD WOOD FUTURE has its address in Vilassar de mar, Spain.

Para ofrecerte la mejor experiencia de navegación posible en nuestro sitio Web usamos cookies también de terceros. Al continuar con la navegación, declaras aceptar y autorizar el uso de las cookies en cumplimiento de los términos expresados para el uso. Para conocer más detalles y modificar tus preferencias, consulta nuestra Política de confidencialidad.